Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Contents of a Woman's Purse

I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse. Well, my little Natalie LOVES purses and has quite a collection...5 purses plus 2 doll diaper bags and a zipper bag she adopted from me. She plays with these on a daily basis and they a packed full of interesting things. The current contents from all 5 purses and the zipper bag are as follows:

-2 Valentines Day cards
-a snapshot of herself
-2 advertisements from her Tinkerbell DVD
-a little book she colored in Nursery
-2 combs and 2 mirrors
-several costume jewelry necklaces and bracelets
-1 half-eaten chapstick
-Bryan's IPOD chord
-gum wrappers
-3 sets of play keys
-2 play lipsticks
-a wallet with a pretend debit card
-a play makeup combact
-a coin purse
-loose change
-several buttons
-a business card
-2 little Madonna idol dolls Bryan got in France
-and an old cell phone

Now what exactly is this saying about my daugther? Well, I've been thinking she's a disorganized packrat that loves having piles of clutter around her...the opposite of her mother. This until I looked through my own purse the other day to realize the contents of my purse could suggest I was a disorganzied packrat! Here's my list:

-2 sets of keys
- a wallet with checkbook, debit cards, library cards, Costco card, expired coupons, "loyalty" cards to various stores like Great Harvest and Cold Stone, my kids immunization records, insurance cards, coupon books to Jiffy Lube and the UPS store.
-crumbled receipts
-old grocery lists
-empty packages of fruit snacks
-smashed golfish
-a ziploc bag of teddy grahams
-an umbrella
-cellphone...uncharged of course
-gum and several gum wrappers
-used tissues
-hand sanitizer
-post it notes
-and a handful of crumbs

Needless to say I will be less critical of my daugthers purses and try to keep mine in better order!


  1. Wow, I really needed to hear that! If your purse gets that way sometimes, I feel a little better. I keep telling Ash we need to have you guys to dinner, but I always tell myself, "After I mop the floor tomorrow" or whatever cleaning my house is most in need of at the moment. My purse has some crushed graham crackers in it at the moment...

  2. Val, I look to you as the most organized person EVER! :) I feel pretty organized...sometimes, but you totally rock! I too was glad to hear that your purse gets a little out of joint sometimes ;) Mine always had receipts stuffed here and there, coupons I hold on to FOREVER even when I know I will never use them. Crackers, fruit snacks, and ALWAYS dum-dum suckers! They are my secret weapon for the kids! I need a bigger purse, but I know it will just lead to a bigger MeSs!

    p.s. What's the name of the potty training in three days book? I would like to look into that for when I am ready to do Dylan. And maybe Maddie could benefit from some of it too. Somedays I feel like we are going backwards...I hope this is normal? Maybe I started too early. ugh! She seriously showed many, many readiness signs! Hmmm, I think it all comes down to it being their OWN idea. who knows! :) Does Natalie come and tell you when she wants to use the potty, or do you always have to initiate? Sorry, such a long comment!!
