Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Family Car: Past and Present

(Disclaimer: This post has been on my mind for a few weeks so I'm finally posting it but I'm sure it will not be interesting to anyone but's just for the scrapbooking/journaling point of this'll probably want to skip it!)

We recently bought a new family truckster and for some strange reason it got me thinking about family cars. Maybe I inherited it from my Dad...he loves cars and talking about old cars. He loves rattling off the the make and model of old cars he sees around town and such. Anyway, this post is dedicated to family cars, past and present.

It's intersting how far the family car has come in the past 3 or 4 generations. My grandparents didn't have cars as children, but pretty much walked everywhere or took the bus or train. My parents were kids, they did have a family car though very different from our recent purchase. My mother loves to tell about how they drove around in a panel truck that my grandfather took on flooring jobs. They sat on buckets...actual buckets...not bucket seats! When I was a kid we had several versions of the station wagon you can see in the picture below.

It looks like we were on one of our many summer vacations as evidenced by the fast food cups and bag were holding...we never went out to eat otherwise. I love the "car seat" my younger sister is in. My Dad is holding her in this white bouncer chair sort of thing. I remember my younger sibling riding in the car in it as babies. We never wore seatbelts as young kids. In fact, I wonder if the car even had them! As a pre-teen and teenager I know we had them in our vans and we did wear them but not like my kids do. We climbed all over the station wagon or van, especially on road trips. It's a wonder that we never got in an accident and had someone ejected from the car!
The price of cars past and presents also just kills me. Our recent purchase cost us just a little more than my parents paid for their first house! Can you believe that! My grandparents first car (it was used) cost them $90! Their first new car was the panel truck whick cost a couple of hundred dollars. My grandfather got in an accident in this truck shortly after buying it and totalled it. He was so proud of it when he bought it. They paid someone to fix it but it was of course never quite the same. They nicknamed it the "blue goose."

Anyway, just a few interesting things to be remembered later.

1 comment:

  1. ok, so i loved this post. it may seem funny, but i have been planning on doing a post of all the cars i have ever owned. i love looking at old pictures of my parents and seeing the cars they owned in the background or whatever. so, i am thinking my kids might like to see that one day...maybe not, but i blog some funny things so who cares anyway! Lol!

    its funny to think of how things have changed...seatbelts and car seats. i have had that same thought about the price of cars being the price of homes once upon a time a crazy.
